Mediums are means that give additional properties to acrylic paints. Pastes and gels allow you to create various textures, reliefs, 3d effects. The primers provide the best connection of the base with the coloгrful layer and an ideal surface for painting. Special additives can change the consistency or increase the drying time of the paint, preserving the basic properties of acrylic. Varnishes allow you to protect the finished work from environmental influences, preserving it for many years. Auxiliary means are of high quality, they can be mixed with all acrylic paints, as well as used with other types of paints of the Nevskaya Palitra, such as oil and PVA tempera.

texture paste matt DFRYRWYY






Acrylic primer white FDGADG

Acrylic primer black DTEWER

Acrylic varnish MATT REWRW

Acrylic varnish GLOSS GFRYRT

Acrylic retarder GLOSS

Acrylic diluent MATT FSDFEWTTRET
Thick paste, white in colour to create voluminous textures. When drying, it forms a very durable, opaque, indelible matte coating, ideal for applying paint. The paste can be applied to any surface suitable for acrylic painting, can be used independently, mixed with paint or painted after drying. The paste allows you to create various textures using a palette knife or other tools: small volumetric elements, relief backgrounds suitable for use with acrylic, oil and tempera paints. The paste mixes well with all acrylic paints in any ratio. Due to the presence of titanium whitewash in the composition, the colours mixed with the paste will be more opaque, and their shade will become lighter.
Available Sizes: jar 220 ml, 500 ml

texture paste with sand

texture paste with glass beads

Impasto Medium
Extends the viscosity, volume and gloss of acrylic paint. It has a viscosity similar to that of thick acrylic paints, and is used to increase volume, stretch colour and adjust transparency. Ideal for painting in the impasto technique. Increases transparency, stretch and colour depth by helping to create subtle glazes with transparent colours. Increases the density of the consistency of soft acrylic, giving a resemblance to oil paint. Preserves adhesion, ensures the immutability and preservation of colour. Mixing with Impasto Medium matt in a 50/50 ratio gives the colourful coating a soft satin sheen. When applied independently, a durable, transparent matte coating is formed. When applied with a very thick layer, it can become translucent. It can be diluted with water or acrylic diluent to obtain a more liquid consistency of the medium, while the water should not be more than 25%. It can also be used as a collage glue and fixative. For best results, use distilled water.

Fluid Art Medium, GLOSS
It is better to let the finished mixture stand for 30 minutes, invisible bubbles, if they have formed, will rise to the surface during this time. For pouring, it is better to use rigid bases, such as a primed canvas on a stretcher, a primed canvas on cardboard, ceramic tiles, a wooden panel primed with acrylic primer. The surface of the base must be cleaned of dust and degreased. When working, it is allowed to use a hair dryer in cold mode. The drying time depends on the thickness of the layer and the size of the work and averages from 24 to 72 hours.

Pearl medium, gloss

PRIMERS. Acrylic primer black and white, matt
The second layer smoothes the surface, improves the adhesive properties. Subsequent layers of soil provide an even smoother surface. When preparing the basis for oil painting, it is best to apply 3 layers of primer. Mix gently before use. The ground can be tinted with all the acrylic paints of the Nevskaya Palitra. The tinted primer is applied to the base in a thin layer.

Acrylic varnish gloss / Acrylic varnish matt
Acrylic varnish gives the surface a uniform glossy / matte shine, protects the paint layer from damage and contamination. When drying, it forms a strong, transparent, elastic coating that allows you to remove dirt with a damp cloth (water, light soap solution) without fear of damaging the paint layer. Expands the saturation and depth of colours, protects from damage by ultraviolet radiation, ideal for transportation or exposure. It has excellent self–leveling properties - no brush marks remain when applied. Before applying the varnish, make sure that the paint has completely dried during operation (from 24 hours to two weeks, depending on the thickness of the paint layer), the painting is positioned horizontally, there is no dust and dirt on the surface (if this is not the case, then before applying the varnish, apply the varnish, gently wipe the surface of the painting with a damp, lint-free cloth, let the surface dry). Mix the varnish thoroughly before use. Apply the varnish in long smooth strokes in one direction, covering the entire surface from top to bottom, moving from one side to the other. If you missed some places, leave them until the layer is completely dry and apply the varnish on them together with the application of the next layer. If you see bubbles forming on the surface, slow down the speed of applying the smear and brush over the fragment with the bubbles already formed again with light and smooth movements. Apply up to three thin coats of varnish, keeping at least three hours between layers to dry completely. The varnish should be applied at room temperature to prevent a sharp drop in temperature and humidity in the room during drying. Varnishes can also be used as fixers for collages or as a medium to reduce viscosity, stretch colour and increase the volume of paint.
Available Sizes: Jar 100 ml

Acrylic retarder, gloss
It has the consistency of a soft gel, used to increase the drying time of acrylic paints. The addition of a 30% retarder increases the drying time of acrylic paint to 5 hours. When mixed with glossy paints, a strong, elastic glossy coating is formed during drying. When mixed with matte acrylic paint, a semi-gloss or satin coating is formed, depending on the proportion of the additive in the paint. At the same time, the colour intensity and the same level of transparency are maintained, and the viscosity level is reduced to the consistency of the moderator, if the paint was originally higher. To get the best result, it is necessary to thoroughly mix the acrylic retarder with the paint using a palette knife. Do not add more than 30% to each colour, as an excessive amount of retarder can lead to a violation of the formation of the acrylic film during drying, as a result of which it will become sticky and will not be able to completely dry and harden. Ideal for dry and hot climates.
Available Sizes: Jar 100 ml
Acrylic diluent, matt
It has the consistency of a soft gel, helps to make acrylic paint more liquid, increase colour stretch, reduce viscosity, while forming a durable, elastic matte coating. Application with transparent and translucent colours helps to create subtle glaze, smooth transitions from colour to colour. Each layer should dry completely before applying the next one. Dries quickly. To slow down the drying process, it can be mixed with a small amount of Acrylic retarder. When used with glossy paints, the degree of gloss decreases. To get an even more liquid consistency, Acrylic diluent can be diluted with water up to 25%., Use distilled water for best results.
Available Sizes: Jar 100 ml